Author Archives: Admin


1887 Volume 8 No 1-11

You are about to download a scanned, searchable PDF file of this volume of The Shield. Please note that the length of these volumes can be quite large, often 500 pages or more. Because of the size of the file, please allow a few moments for the file to download, depending on the speed of your internet connection. This book is a part of our national archives at Laurel Hall, and may have once been the property of an individual member, chapter or alumni association. Enjoy traveling into the past of Phi Kappa Psi!



1886 Volume 7 No 1-9

You are about to download a scanned, searchable PDF file of this volume of The Shield. Please note that the length of these volumes can be quite large, often 500 pages or more. Because of the size of the file, please allow a few moments for the file to download, depending on the speed of your internet connection. This book is a part of our national archives at Laurel Hall, and may have once been the property of an individual member, chapter or alumni association. Enjoy traveling into the past of Phi Kappa Psi!



1885 Volume 6 No 1-9

You are about to download a scanned, searchable PDF file of this volume of The Shield. Please note that the length of these volumes can be quite large, often 500 pages or more. Because of the size of the file, please allow a few moments for the file to download, depending on the speed of your internet connection. This book is a part of our national archives at Laurel Hall, and may have once been the property of an individual member, chapter or alumni association. Enjoy traveling into the past of Phi Kappa Psi!



1884 Volume 5_ No 1-8

You are about to download a scanned, searchable PDF file of this volume of The Shield. Please note that the length of these volumes can be quite large, often 500 pages or more. Because of the size of the file, please allow a few moments for the file to download, depending on the speed of your internet connection. This book is a part of our national archives at Laurel Hall, and may have once been the property of an individual member, chapter or alumni association. Enjoy traveling into the past of Phi Kappa Psi!



1883 Volume 4 No 1-10

You are about to download a scanned, searchable PDF file of this volume of The Shield. Please note that the length of these volumes can be quite large, often 500 pages or more. Because of the size of the file, please allow a few moments for the file to download, depending on the speed of your internet connection. This book is a part of our national archives at Laurel Hall, and may have once been the property of an individual member, chapter or alumni association. Enjoy traveling into the past of Phi Kappa Psi!



The Shield was not published during the 1882-1883 academic year, and Volume 4 would not start up again until April of 1883. With the publishing of the April 1882 issue, the original Shield came to an end, no longer sustainable for its founding publishers, who recognized that they would drive themselves into debt for a magazine that was not generating sufficient subscription revenue. In April of 1883, the magazine was restarted, this time sponsored by the Grand Chapter and more sustainable, as originally hoped by the two men who brought it to life in 1879.



1881 Volume 3 No 1-7

You are about to download a scanned, searchable PDF file of this volume of The Shield. Please note that the length of these volumes can be quite large, often 500 pages or more. Because of the size of the file, please allow a few moments for the file to download, depending on the speed of your internet connection. This book is a part of our national archives at Laurel Hall, and may have once been the property of an individual member, chapter or alumni association. Enjoy traveling into the past of Phi Kappa Psi!


1880-81_Volume 2

You are about to download a scanned, searchable PDF file of this volume of The Shield. Please note that the length of these volumes can be quite large, often 500 pages or more. Because of the size of the file, please allow a few moments for the file to download, depending on the speed of your internet connection. This book is a part of our national archives at Laurel Hall, and may have once been the property of an individual member, chapter or alumni association. Enjoy traveling into the past of Phi Kappa Psi!



1879-80_Volume 1

You are about to download a scanned, searchable PDF file of this volume of The Shield. Please note that the length of these volumes can be quite large, often 500 pages or more. Because of the size of the file, please allow a few moments for the file to download, depending on the speed of your internet connection. This book is a part of our national archives at Laurel Hall, and may have once been the property of an individual member, chapter or alumni association. Enjoy traveling into the past of Phi Kappa Psi!