Category Archives: Archives


1908 Volume 29 No 1-7

You are about to download a scanned, searchable PDF file of this volume of The Shield. Please note that the length of these volumes can be quite large, often 500 pages or more. Because of the size of the file, please allow a few moments for the file to download, depending on the speed of your internet connection. This book is a part of our national archives at Laurel Hall, and may have once been the property of an individual member, chapter or alumni association. Enjoy traveling into the past of Phi Kappa Psi!


1907 Volume 28 No 17

You are about to download a scanned, searchable PDF file of this volume of The Shield. Please note that the length of these volumes can be quite large, often 500 pages or more. Because of the size of the file, please allow a few moments for the file to download, depending on the speed of your internet connection. This book is a part of our national archives at Laurel Hall, and may have once been the property of an individual member, chapter or alumni association. Enjoy traveling into the past of Phi Kappa Psi!


1906 Volume 27 No 1-7

You are about to download a scanned, searchable PDF file of this volume of The Shield. Please note that the length of these volumes can be quite large, often 500 pages or more. Because of the size of the file, please allow a few moments for the file to download, depending on the speed of your internet connection. This book is a part of our national archives at Laurel Hall, and may have once been the property of an individual member, chapter or alumni association. Enjoy traveling into the past of Phi Kappa Psi!


1905 Volume 26 No 1-7

You are about to download a scanned, searchable PDF file of this volume of The Shield. Please note that the length of these volumes can be quite large, often 500 pages or more. Because of the size of the file, please allow a few moments for the file to download, depending on the speed of your internet connection. This book is a part of our national archives at Laurel Hall, and may have once been the property of an individual member, chapter or alumni association. Enjoy traveling into the past of Phi Kappa Psi!


1904 Volume 25 No 1-7

You are about to download a scanned, searchable PDF file of this volume of The Shield. Please note that the length of these volumes can be quite large, often 500 pages or more. Because of the size of the file, please allow a few moments for the file to download, depending on the speed of your internet connection. This book is a part of our national archives at Laurel Hall, and may have once been the property of an individual member, chapter or alumni association. Enjoy traveling into the past of Phi Kappa Psi!


1903 Volume 24 No 1-7

You are about to download a scanned, searchable PDF file of this volume of The Shield. Please note that the length of these volumes can be quite large, often 500 pages or more. Because of the size of the file, please allow a few moments for the file to download, depending on the speed of your internet connection. This book is a part of our national archives at Laurel Hall, and may have once been the property of an individual member, chapter or alumni association. Enjoy traveling into the past of Phi Kappa Psi!


1902 Volume 23 No 1-9

You are about to download a scanned, searchable PDF file of this volume of The Shield. Please note that the length of these volumes can be quite large, often 500 pages or more. Because of the size of the file, please allow a few moments for the file to download, depending on the speed of your internet connection. This book is a part of our national archives at Laurel Hall, and may have once been the property of an individual member, chapter or alumni association. Enjoy traveling into the past of Phi Kappa Psi!


1901 Volume 22 No 1-7

You are about to download a scanned, searchable PDF file of this volume of The Shield. Please note that the length of these volumes can be quite large, often 500 pages or more. Because of the size of the file, please allow a few moments for the file to download, depending on the speed of your internet connection. This book is a part of our national archives at Laurel Hall, and may have once been the property of an individual member, chapter or alumni association. Enjoy traveling into the past of Phi Kappa Psi!


1900 Volume 21 No 1-7

You are about to download a scanned, searchable PDF file of this volume of The Shield. Please note that the length of these volumes can be quite large, often 500 pages or more. Because of the size of the file, please allow a few moments for the file to download, depending on the speed of your internet connection. This book is a part of our national archives at Laurel Hall, and may have once been the property of an individual member, chapter or alumni association. Enjoy traveling into the past of Phi Kappa Psi!